… but to David Berceli, PhD, the creator of TRE, himself.
I had prepared a different post when I came across this interview – and I just have to share it with you all.
Because it's really good.
Jeff Brown, who is an 'author, teacher, enrealment activist and grounded spiritualist' had experienced TRE himself and is sitting down to talk with David.
Here are a few topics to whet your appetite – have I mentioned that it's a really good interview?
Who could benefit from TRE
What happens during a session
Body and psyche interacting together
Jeff's experience of TRE
Good vibrations
The body evokes the story, not the mind
Psychotherapeutic benefits of TRE
TRE's history
Benefits of tremoring
Soldiers cleaning their guns – ideally they clean the inside of their bodies, too
Being trapped in one's head
Yoga and TRE
Inhabiting your body
TRE with traumatised communities where cognitive therapies aren't available
Post-traumatic growth
Physics and vibrations
Energising depression and coming out of freeze
How every (human) body can benefit from tremoring
Advantages of inhabiting our bodies
Here's the interview and I look forward to hearing your thoughts.
Does it make sense to you? Do you have any questions?
Is there anything you'd like to heal?
Are you ready to experience TRE for yourself?
I'm here for you and would love to show you how TREmendously amazing your body is.
You deserve to feel so much better.
Natural. Innate. TREmendous.
Wishing you many amazing vibrations.