… let me introduce you to Dr David Hamilton, he's an organic chemist who worked in the pharmaceutical industry and was fascinated by the placebo effect. Now he's an author and speaker and … has the most amazing Scottish accent.

Now that I've left Edinburgh, as an expat Scot (only joking!) I appreciate a Scottish accent even more.
Anyway, David wrote in one of his latest books how his mum, having suffered post-partum depression, was told by her doctor … wait for it … 'to give herself a good shake'.
Not the answer you are expecting from an empathic doctor
and I'm sure it must have felt like a slap in his mum's face. It definitely would have for me. What this doctor didn't know – it was in the 1970s – was that there was a wee bit of truth in it and I believe 'a good shake' could have supported David's mum.
TRE has only been around for about twenty years, so it wasn't an option at all and as I said, the advice given, wasn't helpful in the slightest.
What we know now, though, is how much we can achieve with TRE.
The power of a wee tremor.
Nowadays we are also much more aware that mind and body are one unit and should be treated as such.
Practising TRE 'only' releases tension from our muscles and fascia and it down-regulates the nervous system, but the knock-on effects can be tremendous, e.g.
releasing physical tension can also release stress, anxiety, low mood ...
this release can improve sleep quality, which can have a positive impact on your overall well-being
as the psoas muscle – also called the muscle of the soul – holds emotions, shaking can release this emotional tension, which can lead to a more positive outlook
as TRE connects you to your body and to the present moment, this can – like a meditation – lead to a sense of inner peace and calm.
As always, I'd like to point out that I am NOT suggesting that TRE is a cure-all-and-everything and that people with depression can simply shake it off ... ... but it could definitely be a start, e.g.
while waiting for an appointment with your GP
while waiting to be referred to a counsellor
when experiencing (as I and some of my clients did), that CBT isn't really the solution you were hoping for
and when the 'not feeling good' is more at the (menopausal) low mood, rather than at the (clinical) depression end of the spectrum
You'll find a much more in-depth video explanation by David Berceli, PhD, the creator of TRE on what's going on in body and mind when we are shaking here.
So, if you'd like to discover the power of your own body – you know where to find me (here!) and I'm more than happy to answer any questions and introduce you to TRE.
You deserve to feel so much better!
Natural. Innate. TREmendous.